Class Proxy<I>

Type Parameters:
I - Implementation type that will act as the listener for received events.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Display, WlBufferProxy, WlCallbackProxy, WlCompositorProxy, WlDataDeviceManagerProxy, WlDataDeviceProxy, WlDataOfferProxy, WlDataSourceProxy, WlKeyboardProxy, WlOutputProxy, WlPointerProxy, WlRegionProxy, WlRegistryProxy, WlSeatProxy, WlShellProxy, WlShellSurfaceProxy, WlShmPoolProxy, WlShmProxy, WlSubcompositorProxy, WlSubsurfaceProxy, WlSurfaceProxy, WlTouchProxy, WpPresentationFeedbackProxy, WpPresentationProxy, WpViewporterProxy, WpViewportProxy, XdgPopupProxy, XdgPositionerProxy, XdgSurfaceProxy, XdgToplevelProxy, XdgWmBaseProxy, ZwpLinuxBufferParamsV1Proxy, ZwpLinuxDmabufFeedbackV1Proxy, ZwpLinuxDmabufV1Proxy, ZwpTabletManagerV2Proxy, ZwpTabletPadGroupV2Proxy, ZwpTabletPadRingV2Proxy, ZwpTabletPadStripV2Proxy, ZwpTabletPadV2Proxy, ZwpTabletSeatV2Proxy, ZwpTabletToolV2Proxy, ZwpTabletV2Proxy

public abstract class Proxy<I> extends Object implements WaylandObject
Represents a protocol object on the client side.

A Proxy acts as a client side proxy to an object existing in the compositor. The proxy is responsible for converting requests made by the clients with marshal(int) into Wayland's wire format. Events coming from the compositor are also handled by the proxy, which will in turn call the implementation.

With the exception of function setQueue(EventQueue), functions accessing a Proxy are not normally used by client code. Clients should normally use the higher level interface generated by the scanner to interact with compositor objects.