All Classes and Interfaces
union {
unsigned long long __value64;
struct {
unsigned int __low;
unsigned int __high;
} __value32;
struct {
unsigned int __low;
unsigned int __high;
typedef int (*__compar_fn_t)(const void *, const void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef struct _IO_FILE {
int _flags;
char *_IO_read_ptr;
char *_IO_read_end;
char *_IO_read_base;
char *_IO_write_base;
char *_IO_write_ptr;
char *_IO_write_end;
char *_IO_buf_base;
char *_IO_buf_end;
char *_IO_save_base;
char *_IO_backup_base;
char *_IO_save_end;
struct _IO_marker *_markers;
struct _IO_FILE *_chain;
int _fileno;
int _flags2;
__off_t _old_offset;
unsigned short _cur_column;
signed char _vtable_offset;
char _shortbuf[1];
_IO_lock_t *_lock;
__off64_t _offset;
struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt;
struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data;
struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list;
void *_freeres_buf;
size_t __pad5;
int _mode;
char _unused2[20];
} __FILE
typedef struct _G_fpos_t {
__off_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
} __fpos_t
typedef struct _G_fpos64_t {
__off64_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
} __fpos64_t
struct {
int __val[2];
struct {
int __count;
union {
unsigned int __wch;
char __wchb[4];
} __value;
union {
unsigned int __wch;
char __wchb[4];
struct {
int __data;
struct __pthread_cond_s {
__atomic_wide_counter __wseq;
__atomic_wide_counter __g1_start;
unsigned int __g_refs[2];
unsigned int __g_size[2];
unsigned int __g1_orig_size;
unsigned int __wrefs;
unsigned int __g_signals[2];
struct __pthread_internal_list {
struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev;
struct __pthread_internal_list *__next;
struct __pthread_internal_slist {
struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next;
typedef struct __pthread_internal_list {
struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev;
struct __pthread_internal_list *__next;
} __pthread_list_t
struct __pthread_mutex_s {
int __lock;
unsigned int __count;
int __owner;
unsigned int __nusers;
int __kind;
short __spins;
short __elision;
__pthread_list_t __list;
struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t {
unsigned int __readers;
unsigned int __writers;
unsigned int __wrphase_futex;
unsigned int __writers_futex;
unsigned int __pad3;
unsigned int __pad4;
int __cur_writer;
int __shared;
signed char __rwelision;
unsigned char __pad1[7];
unsigned long __pad2;
unsigned int __flags;
typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist {
struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next;
} __pthread_slist_t
typedef void (*__sighandler_t)(int)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct {
unsigned long __val[16];
typedef union sigval {
int sival_int;
void *sival_ptr;
} __sigval_t
struct _fpreg {
unsigned short significand[4];
unsigned short exponent;
struct _fpstate {
__uint16_t cwd;
__uint16_t swd;
__uint16_t ftw;
__uint16_t fop;
__uint64_t rip;
__uint64_t rdp;
__uint32_t mxcsr;
__uint32_t mxcr_mask;
struct _fpxreg _st[8];
struct _xmmreg _xmm[16];
__uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[24];
struct _fpx_sw_bytes {
__uint32_t magic1;
__uint32_t extended_size;
__uint64_t xstate_bv;
__uint32_t xstate_size;
__uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[7];
struct _fpxreg {
unsigned short significand[4];
unsigned short exponent;
unsigned short __glibc_reserved1[3];
struct _G_fpos_t {
__off_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
struct _G_fpos64_t {
__off64_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
struct _IO_cookie_io_functions_t {
cookie_read_function_t *read;
cookie_write_function_t *write;
cookie_seek_function_t *seek;
cookie_close_function_t *close;
struct _IO_FILE {
int _flags;
char *_IO_read_ptr;
char *_IO_read_end;
char *_IO_read_base;
char *_IO_write_base;
char *_IO_write_ptr;
char *_IO_write_end;
char *_IO_buf_base;
char *_IO_buf_end;
char *_IO_save_base;
char *_IO_backup_base;
char *_IO_save_end;
struct _IO_marker *_markers;
struct _IO_FILE *_chain;
int _fileno;
int _flags2;
__off_t _old_offset;
unsigned short _cur_column;
signed char _vtable_offset;
char _shortbuf[1];
_IO_lock_t *_lock;
__off64_t _offset;
struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt;
struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data;
struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list;
void *_freeres_buf;
size_t __pad5;
int _mode;
char _unused2[20];
struct _libc_fpstate {
__uint16_t cwd;
__uint16_t swd;
__uint16_t ftw;
__uint16_t fop;
__uint64_t rip;
__uint64_t rdp;
__uint32_t mxcsr;
__uint32_t mxcr_mask;
struct _libc_fpxreg _st[8];
struct _libc_xmmreg _xmm[16];
__uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[24];
struct _libc_fpxreg {
unsigned short significand[4];
unsigned short exponent;
unsigned short __glibc_reserved1[3];
struct _libc_xmmreg {
__uint32_t element[4];
struct _xmmreg {
__uint32_t element[4];
struct _xsave_hdr {
__uint64_t xstate_bv;
__uint64_t __glibc_reserved1[2];
__uint64_t __glibc_reserved2[5];
struct _xstate {
struct _fpstate fpstate;
struct _xsave_hdr xstate_hdr;
struct _ymmh_state ymmh;
struct _ymmh_state {
__uint32_t ymmh_space[64];
void (*__func)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*__func)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int __asprintf(char **restrict __ptr, const char *restrict __fmt, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int asprintf(char **restrict __ptr, const char *restrict __fmt, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int dprintf(int __fd, const char *restrict __fmt, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int execl(const char *__path, const char *__arg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int execle(const char *__path, const char *__arg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int execlp(const char *__file, const char *__arg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int fcntl(int __fd, int __cmd, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int fprintf(FILE *restrict __stream, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int fscanf(FILE *restrict __stream, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int open(const char *__file, int __oflag, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int openat(int __fd, const char *__file, int __oflag, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int printf(const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int scanf(const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int snprintf(char *restrict __s, size_t __maxlen, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int sprintf(char *restrict __s, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern int sscanf(const char *restrict __s, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
extern long syscall(long __sysno, ...)
typedef int (cookie_close_function_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef struct _IO_cookie_io_functions_t {
cookie_read_function_t *read;
cookie_write_function_t *write;
cookie_seek_function_t *seek;
cookie_close_function_t *close;
} cookie_io_functions_t
typedef __ssize_t (cookie_read_function_t)(void *, char *, size_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef int (cookie_seek_function_t)(void *, __off64_t *, int)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef __ssize_t (cookie_write_function_t)(void *, const char *, size_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
Represents a connection to the compositor and acts as a proxy to
singleton object.struct {
int quot;
int rem;
struct drand48_data {
unsigned short __x[3];
unsigned short __old_x[3];
unsigned short __c;
unsigned short __init;
unsigned long long __a;
A queue for
object events.struct {
__fd_mask __fds_bits[16];
typedef struct _IO_FILE {
int _flags;
char *_IO_read_ptr;
char *_IO_read_end;
char *_IO_read_base;
char *_IO_write_base;
char *_IO_write_ptr;
char *_IO_write_end;
char *_IO_buf_base;
char *_IO_buf_end;
char *_IO_save_base;
char *_IO_backup_base;
char *_IO_save_end;
struct _IO_marker *_markers;
struct _IO_FILE *_chain;
int _fileno;
int _flags2;
__off_t _old_offset;
unsigned short _cur_column;
signed char _vtable_offset;
char _shortbuf[1];
_IO_lock_t *_lock;
__off64_t _offset;
struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt;
struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data;
struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list;
void *_freeres_buf;
size_t __pad5;
int _mode;
char _unused2[20];
struct flock {
short l_type;
short l_whence;
__off_t l_start;
__off_t l_len;
__pid_t l_pid;
typedef __fpos_t fpos_t
typedef __fsid_t fsid_t
struct {
long quot;
long rem;
Wrapper class for any Java type to get or create a native wayland interface for use with the native wayland
struct {
long quot;
long rem;
Variadic invoker class for:
void wl_client_post_implementation_error(struct wl_client *client, const char *msg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
void wl_resource_post_error(struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t code, const char *msg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
void wl_resource_post_event(struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t opcode, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
void wl_resource_queue_event(struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t opcode, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
void wl_proxy_marshal(struct wl_proxy *p, uint32_t opcode, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
struct wl_proxy *wl_proxy_marshal_constructor(struct wl_proxy *proxy, uint32_t opcode, const struct wl_interface *interface, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
struct wl_proxy *wl_proxy_marshal_constructor_versioned(struct wl_proxy *proxy, uint32_t opcode, const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t version, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:
struct wl_proxy *wl_proxy_marshal_flags(struct wl_proxy *proxy, uint32_t opcode, const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t version, uint32_t flags, ...)
struct {
long long quot;
long long rem;
struct {
long long __max_align_ll;
long double __max_align_ld;
struct {
gregset_t gregs;
fpregset_t fpregs;
unsigned long long __reserved1[8];
Wrapper class for a
to create a native wayland message for use with the native library.A cache for POJOs with a native context.
void (*__func)(int, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
Represents a protocol object on the client side.
union pthread_attr_t {
char __size[56];
long __align;
union {
char __size[32];
long __align;
union {
char __size[4];
int __align;
union {
struct __pthread_cond_s __data;
char __size[48];
long long __align;
union {
char __size[4];
int __align;
union {
struct __pthread_mutex_s __data;
char __size[40];
long __align;
union {
char __size[4];
int __align;
union {
struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t __data;
char __size[56];
long __align;
union {
char __size[8];
long __align;
struct random_data {
int32_t *fptr;
int32_t *rptr;
int32_t *state;
int rand_type;
int rand_deg;
int rand_sep;
int32_t *end_ptr;
Server side implementation of a wayland object for a specific client.
typedef __sighandler_t sig_t
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct sigaction {
union {
__sighandler_t sa_handler;
void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
} __sigaction_handler;
__sigset_t sa_mask;
int sa_flags;
void (*sa_restorer)(void);
union {
__sighandler_t sa_handler;
void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*sa_restorer)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct sigcontext {
__uint64_t r8;
__uint64_t r9;
__uint64_t r10;
__uint64_t r11;
__uint64_t r12;
__uint64_t r13;
__uint64_t r14;
__uint64_t r15;
__uint64_t rdi;
__uint64_t rsi;
__uint64_t rbp;
__uint64_t rbx;
__uint64_t rdx;
__uint64_t rax;
__uint64_t rcx;
__uint64_t rsp;
__uint64_t rip;
__uint64_t eflags;
unsigned short cs;
unsigned short gs;
unsigned short fs;
unsigned short __pad0;
__uint64_t err;
__uint64_t trapno;
__uint64_t oldmask;
__uint64_t cr2;
union {
struct _fpstate *fpstate;
__uint64_t __fpstate_word;
__uint64_t __reserved1[8];
struct sigevent {
__sigval_t sigev_value;
int sigev_signo;
int sigev_notify;
union {
int _pad[12];
__pid_t _tid;
struct {
void (*_function)(__sigval_t);
pthread_attr_t *_attribute;
} _sigev_thread;
} _sigev_un;
typedef struct sigevent {
__sigval_t sigev_value;
int sigev_signo;
int sigev_notify;
union {
int _pad[12];
__pid_t _tid;
struct {
void (*_function)(__sigval_t);
pthread_attr_t *_attribute;
} _sigev_thread;
} _sigev_un;
} sigevent_t
union {
int _pad[12];
__pid_t _tid;
struct {
void (*_function)(__sigval_t);
pthread_attr_t *_attribute;
} _sigev_thread;
struct {
void (*_function)(__sigval_t);
pthread_attr_t *_attribute;
void (*_function)(__sigval_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct {
int si_signo;
int si_errno;
int si_code;
int __pad0;
union {
int _pad[28];
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
} _kill;
struct {
int si_tid;
int si_overrun;
__sigval_t si_sigval;
} _timer;
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
__sigval_t si_sigval;
} _rt;
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
int si_status;
__clock_t si_utime;
__clock_t si_stime;
} _sigchld;
struct {
void *si_addr;
short si_addr_lsb;
union {
struct {
void *_lower;
void *_upper;
} _addr_bnd;
__uint32_t _pkey;
} _bounds;
} _sigfault;
struct {
long si_band;
int si_fd;
} _sigpoll;
struct {
void *_call_addr;
int _syscall;
unsigned int _arch;
} _sigsys;
} _sifields;
union {
int _pad[28];
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
} _kill;
struct {
int si_tid;
int si_overrun;
__sigval_t si_sigval;
} _timer;
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
__sigval_t si_sigval;
} _rt;
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
int si_status;
__clock_t si_utime;
__clock_t si_stime;
} _sigchld;
struct {
void *si_addr;
short si_addr_lsb;
union {
struct {
void *_lower;
void *_upper;
} _addr_bnd;
__uint32_t _pkey;
} _bounds;
} _sigfault;
struct {
long si_band;
int si_fd;
} _sigpoll;
struct {
void *_call_addr;
int _syscall;
unsigned int _arch;
} _sigsys;
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
__sigval_t si_sigval;
struct {
__pid_t si_pid;
__uid_t si_uid;
int si_status;
__clock_t si_utime;
__clock_t si_stime;
struct {
void *si_addr;
short si_addr_lsb;
union {
struct {
void *_lower;
void *_upper;
} _addr_bnd;
__uint32_t _pkey;
} _bounds;
union {
struct {
void *_lower;
void *_upper;
} _addr_bnd;
__uint32_t _pkey;
struct {
void *_lower;
void *_upper;
struct {
long si_band;
int si_fd;
struct {
void *_call_addr;
int _syscall;
unsigned int _arch;
struct {
int si_tid;
int si_overrun;
__sigval_t si_sigval;
typedef __sigset_t sigset_t
struct sigstack {
void *ss_sp;
int ss_onstack;
union sigval {
int sival_int;
void *sival_ptr;
typedef __sigval_t sigval_t
struct {
void *ss_sp;
int ss_flags;
size_t ss_size;
struct stat {
__dev_t st_dev;
__ino_t st_ino;
__nlink_t st_nlink;
__mode_t st_mode;
__uid_t st_uid;
__gid_t st_gid;
int __pad0;
__dev_t st_rdev;
__off_t st_size;
__blksize_t st_blksize;
__blkcnt_t st_blocks;
struct timespec st_atim;
struct timespec st_mtim;
struct timespec st_ctim;
__syscall_slong_t __glibc_reserved[3];
struct timespec {
__time_t tv_sec;
__syscall_slong_t tv_nsec;
struct timeval {
__time_t tv_sec;
__suseconds_t tv_usec;
struct ucontext_t {
unsigned long uc_flags;
struct ucontext_t *uc_link;
stack_t uc_stack;
mcontext_t uc_mcontext;
sigset_t uc_sigmask;
struct _libc_fpstate __fpregs_mem;
unsigned long long __ssp[4];
union wl_argument {
int32_t i;
uint32_t u;
wl_fixed_t f;
const char *s;
struct wl_object *o;
uint32_t n;
struct wl_array *a;
int32_t h;
struct wl_array {
size_t size;
size_t alloc;
void *data;
struct wl_buffer_interface {
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_buffer_listener {
void (*release)(void *, struct wl_buffer *);
void (*release)(void *, struct wl_buffer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_callback_listener {
void (*done)(void *, struct wl_callback *, uint32_t);
void (*done)(void *, struct wl_callback *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef enum wl_iterator_result {
} (*wl_client_for_each_resource_iterator_func_t)(struct wl_resource {
struct wl_object object;
wl_resource_destroy_func_t destroy;
struct wl_list link;
struct wl_signal destroy_signal;
struct wl_client *client;
void *data;
} *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_compositor_interface {
void (*create_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*create_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*create_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*create_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_data_device_interface {
void (*start_drag)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*set_selection)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_selection)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*start_drag)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_data_device_listener {
void (*data_offer)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *);
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t, struct wl_data_offer *);
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_data_device *);
void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*drop)(void *, struct wl_data_device *);
void (*selection)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *);
void (*data_offer)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*drop)(void *, struct wl_data_device *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t, struct wl_data_offer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_data_device *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*selection)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_data_device_manager_interface {
void (*create_data_source)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*get_data_device)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *);
void (*create_data_source)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*get_data_device)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_data_offer_interface {
void (*accept)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *);
void (*receive)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *, int32_t);
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*finish)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*accept)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*finish)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*receive)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_data_offer_listener {
void (*offer)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, const char *);
void (*source_actions)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t);
void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t);
void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*offer)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*source_actions)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_data_source_interface {
void (*offer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *);
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*offer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_data_source_listener {
void (*target)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *);
void (*send)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *, int32_t);
void (*cancelled)(void *, struct wl_data_source *);
void (*dnd_drop_performed)(void *, struct wl_data_source *);
void (*dnd_finished)(void *, struct wl_data_source *);
void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, uint32_t);
void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*cancelled)(void *, struct wl_data_source *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*dnd_drop_performed)(void *, struct wl_data_source *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*dnd_finished)(void *, struct wl_data_source *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*send)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*target)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef int (*wl_dispatcher_func_t)(const void *, void *, uint32_t, const struct wl_message {
const char *name;
const char *signature;
const struct wl_interface **types;
} *, union wl_argument {
int32_t i;
uint32_t u;
wl_fixed_t f;
const char *s;
struct wl_object *o;
uint32_t n;
struct wl_array *a;
int32_t h;
} *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef _Bool (*wl_display_global_filter_func_t)(const struct wl_client *, const struct wl_global *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_display_interface {
void (*sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*get_registry)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*get_registry)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_display_listener {
void (*error)(void *, struct wl_display *, void *, uint32_t, const char *);
void (*delete_id)(void *, struct wl_display *, uint32_t);
void (*delete_id)(void *, struct wl_display *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*error)(void *, struct wl_display *, void *, uint32_t, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef int (*wl_event_loop_fd_func_t)(int, uint32_t, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef void (*wl_event_loop_idle_func_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef int (*wl_event_loop_signal_func_t)(int, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef int (*wl_event_loop_timer_func_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef void (*wl_global_bind_func_t)(struct wl_client *, void *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_interface {
const char *name;
int version;
int method_count;
const struct wl_message *methods;
int event_count;
const struct wl_message *events;
struct wl_keyboard_interface {
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_keyboard_listener {
void (*keymap)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_array *);
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *);
void (*key)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*modifiers)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*repeat_info)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_array *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*key)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*keymap)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*modifiers)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*repeat_info)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_list {
struct wl_list *prev;
struct wl_list *next;
struct wl_listener {
struct wl_list link;
wl_notify_func_t notify;
typedef void (*wl_log_func_t)(const char *, struct __va_list_tag {
unsigned int gp_offset;
unsigned int fp_offset;
void *overflow_arg_area;
void *reg_save_area;
} *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_message {
const char *name;
const char *signature;
const struct wl_interface **types;
typedef void (*wl_notify_func_t)(struct wl_listener {
struct wl_list link;
wl_notify_func_t notify;
} *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_object {
const struct wl_interface *interface;
const void *implementation;
uint32_t id;
struct wl_output_interface {
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_output_listener {
void (*geometry)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const char *, const char *, int32_t);
void (*mode)(void *, struct wl_output *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*done)(void *, struct wl_output *);
void (*scale)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t);
void (*name)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *);
void (*description)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *);
void (*description)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*done)(void *, struct wl_output *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*geometry)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const char *, const char *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*mode)(void *, struct wl_output *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*name)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*scale)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_pointer_interface {
void (*set_cursor)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_cursor)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_pointer_listener {
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *);
void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*button)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*axis)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*frame)(void *, struct wl_pointer *);
void (*axis_source)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t);
void (*axis_stop)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*axis_discrete)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t);
void (*axis_value120)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t);
void (*axis_relative_direction)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*axis)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t)
void (*axis_discrete)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*axis_relative_direction)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*axis_source)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*axis_stop)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*axis_value120)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*button)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*frame)(void *, struct wl_pointer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef void (*wl_protocol_logger_func_t)(void *, enum wl_protocol_logger_type {
}, const struct wl_protocol_logger_message {
struct wl_resource *resource;
int message_opcode;
const struct wl_message *message;
int arguments_count;
const union wl_argument *arguments;
} *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_protocol_logger_message {
struct wl_resource *resource;
int message_opcode;
const struct wl_message *message;
int arguments_count;
const union wl_argument *arguments;
void (**implementation)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_region_interface {
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*add)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*subtract)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*add)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*subtract)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_registry_interface {
void (*bind)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*bind)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_registry_listener {
void (*global)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t);
void (*global_remove)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t);
void (*global)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t)
void (*global_remove)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_resource {
struct wl_object object;
wl_resource_destroy_func_t destroy;
struct wl_list link;
struct wl_signal destroy_signal;
struct wl_client *client;
void *data;
typedef void (*wl_resource_destroy_func_t)(struct wl_resource {
struct wl_object object;
wl_resource_destroy_func_t destroy;
struct wl_list link;
struct wl_signal destroy_signal;
struct wl_client *client;
void *data;
} *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_seat_interface {
void (*get_pointer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*get_keyboard)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*get_touch)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*get_keyboard)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*get_pointer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*get_touch)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_seat_listener {
void (*capabilities)(void *, struct wl_seat *, uint32_t);
void (*name)(void *, struct wl_seat *, const char *);
void (*capabilities)(void *, struct wl_seat *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*name)(void *, struct wl_seat *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_shell_interface {
void (*get_shell_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *);
void (*get_shell_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_shell_surface_interface {
void (*pong)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*move)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void (*set_toplevel)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_transient)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
void (*set_fullscreen)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_popup)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
void (*set_maximized)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_title)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *);
void (*set_class)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *);
void (*move)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*pong)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_class)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_fullscreen)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_maximized)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_popup)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_title)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_toplevel)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_transient)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_shell_surface_listener {
void (*ping)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t);
void (*configure)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*popup_done)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *);
void (*configure)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*ping)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*popup_done)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_shm_interface {
void (*create_pool)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*create_pool)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_shm_listener {
void (*format)(void *, struct wl_shm *, uint32_t);
void (*format)(void *, struct wl_shm *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_shm_pool_interface {
void (*create_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t);
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t);
void (*create_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_signal {
struct wl_list listener_list;
struct wl_subcompositor_interface {
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*get_subsurface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*get_subsurface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_subsurface_interface {
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_position)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*place_above)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*place_below)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_desync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*place_above)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*place_below)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_desync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_position)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_surface_interface {
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*attach)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*damage)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*frame)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t);
void (*set_opaque_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_input_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*commit)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*set_buffer_transform)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t);
void (*set_buffer_scale)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t);
void (*damage_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*offset)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t);
void (*attach)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*commit)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*damage)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
void (*damage_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*frame)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*offset)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_buffer_scale)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_buffer_transform)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_input_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*set_opaque_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_surface_listener {
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *);
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *);
void (*preferred_buffer_scale)(void *, struct wl_surface *, int32_t);
void (*preferred_buffer_transform)(void *, struct wl_surface *, uint32_t);
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*preferred_buffer_scale)(void *, struct wl_surface *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*preferred_buffer_transform)(void *, struct wl_surface *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_touch_interface {
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *);
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
struct wl_touch_listener {
void (*down)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*up)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t);
void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*frame)(void *, struct wl_touch *);
void (*cancel)(void *, struct wl_touch *);
void (*shape)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*orientation)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t);
void (*cancel)(void *, struct wl_touch *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*down)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*frame)(void *, struct wl_touch *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*orientation)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*shape)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
void (*up)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
typedef void (*wl_user_data_destroy_func_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface
content for a wl_surface
content for a wl_surface
content for a wl_surface
content for a wl_surface
callback object
callback object
callback object
callback object
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
the compositor singleton
data transfer device
data transfer device
data transfer device
drag and drop actions
data transfer interface
data transfer interface
data transfer interface
data transfer interface
data transfer interface
data transfer interface
data transfer interface
data transfer interface
data transfer device
data transfer device
data transfer device
data transfer device
data transfer device
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
offer to transfer data
global error values
core global object
core global object
core global object
core global object
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard mapping format
physical key state
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
keyboard input device
compositor output region
compositor output region
compositor output region
compositor output region
mode information
compositor output region
compositor output region
compositor output region
compositor output region
compositor output region
compositor output region
subpixel geometry information
transformation applied to buffer contents
axis types
axis relative direction
axis source types
physical button state
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
pointer input device
region interface
region interface
region interface
region interface
global registry object
global registry object
global registry object
global registry object
seat capability bitmask
wl_seat error values
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
group of input devices
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
desktop-style metadata interface
different method to set the surface fullscreen
desktop-style metadata interface
desktop-style metadata interface
edge values for resizing
desktop-style metadata interface
details of transient behaviour
wl_shm error values
shared memory support
shared memory support
pixel formats
a shared memory pool
a shared memory pool
a shared memory pool
a shared memory pool
a shared memory pool
a shared memory pool
shared memory support
shared memory support
shared memory support
shared memory support
sub-surface compositing
sub-surface compositing
sub-surface compositing
sub-surface compositing
sub-surface interface to a wl_surface
sub-surface interface to a wl_surface
sub-surface interface to a wl_surface
sub-surface interface to a wl_surface
wl_surface error values
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
an onscreen surface
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
touchscreen input device
fatal presentation errors
timed presentation related wl_surface requests
presentation time feedback event
bitmask of flags in presented event
presentation time feedback event
presentation time feedback event
presentation time feedback event
timed presentation related wl_surface requests
timed presentation related wl_surface requests
timed presentation related wl_surface requests
surface cropping and scaling
surface cropping and scaling
surface cropping and scaling
surface cropping and scaling
crop and scale interface to a wl_surface
crop and scale interface to a wl_surface
crop and scale interface to a wl_surface
crop and scale interface to a wl_surface
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
short-lived, popup surfaces for menus
constraint adjustments
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
child surface positioner
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
desktop user interface surface base interface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
toplevel surface
edge values for resizing
toplevel surface
types of state on the surface
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
create desktop-style surfaces
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
parameters for creating a dmabuf-based wl_buffer
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
dmabuf feedback
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
factory for creating dmabuf-based wl_buffers
controller object for graphic tablet devices
controller object for graphic tablet devices
controller object for graphic tablet devices
controller object for graphic tablet devices
a set of buttons, rings and strips
a set of buttons, rings and strips
a set of buttons, rings and strips
a set of buttons, rings and strips
pad ring
pad ring
pad ring
pad ring
ring axis source
pad strip
pad strip
pad strip
pad strip
strip axis source
physical button state
a set of buttons, rings and strips
a set of buttons, rings and strips
a set of buttons, rings and strips
a set of buttons, rings and strips
controller object for graphic tablet devices of a seat
controller object for graphic tablet devices of a seat
controller object for graphic tablet devices of a seat
controller object for graphic tablet devices of a seat
physical button state
capability flags for a tool
a physical tablet tool
a physical tablet tool
a physical tablet tool
a physical tablet tool
a physical tool type
graphics tablet device
graphics tablet device
graphics tablet device
graphics tablet device