Package org.freedesktop.wayland.raw
package org.freedesktop.wayland.raw
union { unsigned long long __value64; struct { unsigned int __low; unsigned int __high; } __value32; }
struct { unsigned int __low; unsigned int __high; }
typedef int (*__compar_fn_t)(const void *, const void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef struct _IO_FILE { int _flags; char *_IO_read_ptr; char *_IO_read_end; char *_IO_read_base; char *_IO_write_base; char *_IO_write_ptr; char *_IO_write_end; char *_IO_buf_base; char *_IO_buf_end; char *_IO_save_base; char *_IO_backup_base; char *_IO_save_end; struct _IO_marker *_markers; struct _IO_FILE *_chain; int _fileno; int _flags2; __off_t _old_offset; unsigned short _cur_column; signed char _vtable_offset; char _shortbuf[1]; _IO_lock_t *_lock; __off64_t _offset; struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt; struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data; struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list; void *_freeres_buf; size_t __pad5; int _mode; char _unused2[20]; } __FILE
typedef struct _G_fpos_t { __off_t __pos; __mbstate_t __state; } __fpos_t
typedef struct _G_fpos64_t { __off64_t __pos; __mbstate_t __state; } __fpos64_t
struct { int __val[2]; }
struct { int __count; union { unsigned int __wch; char __wchb[4]; } __value; }
union { unsigned int __wch; char __wchb[4]; }
struct { int __data; }
struct __pthread_cond_s { __atomic_wide_counter __wseq; __atomic_wide_counter __g1_start; unsigned int __g_refs[2]; unsigned int __g_size[2]; unsigned int __g1_orig_size; unsigned int __wrefs; unsigned int __g_signals[2]; }
struct __pthread_internal_list { struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev; struct __pthread_internal_list *__next; }
struct __pthread_internal_slist { struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next; }
typedef struct __pthread_internal_list { struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev; struct __pthread_internal_list *__next; } __pthread_list_t
struct __pthread_mutex_s { int __lock; unsigned int __count; int __owner; unsigned int __nusers; int __kind; short __spins; short __elision; __pthread_list_t __list; }
struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t { unsigned int __readers; unsigned int __writers; unsigned int __wrphase_futex; unsigned int __writers_futex; unsigned int __pad3; unsigned int __pad4; int __cur_writer; int __shared; signed char __rwelision; unsigned char __pad1[7]; unsigned long __pad2; unsigned int __flags; }
typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist { struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next; } __pthread_slist_t
typedef void (*__sighandler_t)(int)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct { unsigned long __val[16]; }
typedef union sigval { int sival_int; void *sival_ptr; } __sigval_t
struct _fpreg { unsigned short significand[4]; unsigned short exponent; }
struct _fpstate { __uint16_t cwd; __uint16_t swd; __uint16_t ftw; __uint16_t fop; __uint64_t rip; __uint64_t rdp; __uint32_t mxcsr; __uint32_t mxcr_mask; struct _fpxreg _st[8]; struct _xmmreg _xmm[16]; __uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[24]; }
struct _fpx_sw_bytes { __uint32_t magic1; __uint32_t extended_size; __uint64_t xstate_bv; __uint32_t xstate_size; __uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[7]; }
struct _fpxreg { unsigned short significand[4]; unsigned short exponent; unsigned short __glibc_reserved1[3]; }
struct _G_fpos_t { __off_t __pos; __mbstate_t __state; }
struct _G_fpos64_t { __off64_t __pos; __mbstate_t __state; }
struct _IO_cookie_io_functions_t { cookie_read_function_t *read; cookie_write_function_t *write; cookie_seek_function_t *seek; cookie_close_function_t *close; }
struct _IO_FILE { int _flags; char *_IO_read_ptr; char *_IO_read_end; char *_IO_read_base; char *_IO_write_base; char *_IO_write_ptr; char *_IO_write_end; char *_IO_buf_base; char *_IO_buf_end; char *_IO_save_base; char *_IO_backup_base; char *_IO_save_end; struct _IO_marker *_markers; struct _IO_FILE *_chain; int _fileno; int _flags2; __off_t _old_offset; unsigned short _cur_column; signed char _vtable_offset; char _shortbuf[1]; _IO_lock_t *_lock; __off64_t _offset; struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt; struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data; struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list; void *_freeres_buf; size_t __pad5; int _mode; char _unused2[20]; }
struct _libc_fpstate { __uint16_t cwd; __uint16_t swd; __uint16_t ftw; __uint16_t fop; __uint64_t rip; __uint64_t rdp; __uint32_t mxcsr; __uint32_t mxcr_mask; struct _libc_fpxreg _st[8]; struct _libc_xmmreg _xmm[16]; __uint32_t __glibc_reserved1[24]; }
struct _libc_fpxreg { unsigned short significand[4]; unsigned short exponent; unsigned short __glibc_reserved1[3]; }
struct _libc_xmmreg { __uint32_t element[4]; }
struct _xmmreg { __uint32_t element[4]; }
struct _xsave_hdr { __uint64_t xstate_bv; __uint64_t __glibc_reserved1[2]; __uint64_t __glibc_reserved2[5]; }
struct _xstate { struct _fpstate fpstate; struct _xsave_hdr xstate_hdr; struct _ymmh_state ymmh; }
struct _ymmh_state { __uint32_t ymmh_space[64]; }
void (*__func)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*__func)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfaceVariadic invoker class for:extern int __asprintf(char **restrict __ptr, const char *restrict __fmt, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int asprintf(char **restrict __ptr, const char *restrict __fmt, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int dprintf(int __fd, const char *restrict __fmt, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int execl(const char *__path, const char *__arg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int execle(const char *__path, const char *__arg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int execlp(const char *__file, const char *__arg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int fcntl(int __fd, int __cmd, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int fprintf(FILE *restrict __stream, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int fscanf(FILE *restrict __stream, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int open(const char *__file, int __oflag, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int openat(int __fd, const char *__file, int __oflag, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int printf(const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int scanf(const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int snprintf(char *restrict __s, size_t __maxlen, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int sprintf(char *restrict __s, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern int sscanf(const char *restrict __s, const char *restrict __format, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:extern long syscall(long __sysno, ...)
typedef int (cookie_close_function_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef struct _IO_cookie_io_functions_t { cookie_read_function_t *read; cookie_write_function_t *write; cookie_seek_function_t *seek; cookie_close_function_t *close; } cookie_io_functions_t
typedef __ssize_t (cookie_read_function_t)(void *, char *, size_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef int (cookie_seek_function_t)(void *, __off64_t *, int)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef __ssize_t (cookie_write_function_t)(void *, const char *, size_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct { int quot; int rem; }
struct drand48_data { unsigned short __x[3]; unsigned short __old_x[3]; unsigned short __c; unsigned short __init; unsigned long long __a; }
struct { __fd_mask __fds_bits[16]; }
typedef struct _IO_FILE { int _flags; char *_IO_read_ptr; char *_IO_read_end; char *_IO_read_base; char *_IO_write_base; char *_IO_write_ptr; char *_IO_write_end; char *_IO_buf_base; char *_IO_buf_end; char *_IO_save_base; char *_IO_backup_base; char *_IO_save_end; struct _IO_marker *_markers; struct _IO_FILE *_chain; int _fileno; int _flags2; __off_t _old_offset; unsigned short _cur_column; signed char _vtable_offset; char _shortbuf[1]; _IO_lock_t *_lock; __off64_t _offset; struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt; struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data; struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list; void *_freeres_buf; size_t __pad5; int _mode; char _unused2[20]; } FILE
struct flock { short l_type; short l_whence; __off_t l_start; __off_t l_len; __pid_t l_pid; }
typedef __fpos_t fpos_t
typedef __fsid_t fsid_t
struct { long quot; long rem; }
struct { long quot; long rem; }
Variadic invoker class for:void wl_client_post_implementation_error(struct wl_client *client, const char *msg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:void wl_resource_post_error(struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t code, const char *msg, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:void wl_resource_post_event(struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t opcode, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:void wl_resource_queue_event(struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t opcode, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:void wl_proxy_marshal(struct wl_proxy *p, uint32_t opcode, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:struct wl_proxy *wl_proxy_marshal_constructor(struct wl_proxy *proxy, uint32_t opcode, const struct wl_interface *interface, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:struct wl_proxy *wl_proxy_marshal_constructor_versioned(struct wl_proxy *proxy, uint32_t opcode, const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t version, ...)
Variadic invoker class for:struct wl_proxy *wl_proxy_marshal_flags(struct wl_proxy *proxy, uint32_t opcode, const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t version, uint32_t flags, ...)
struct { long long quot; long long rem; }
struct { long long __max_align_ll; long double __max_align_ld; }
struct { gregset_t gregs; fpregset_t fpregs; unsigned long long __reserved1[8]; }
void (*__func)(int, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfaceunion pthread_attr_t { char __size[56]; long __align; }
union { char __size[32]; long __align; }
union { char __size[4]; int __align; }
union { struct __pthread_cond_s __data; char __size[48]; long long __align; }
union { char __size[4]; int __align; }
union { struct __pthread_mutex_s __data; char __size[40]; long __align; }
union { char __size[4]; int __align; }
union { struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t __data; char __size[56]; long __align; }
union { char __size[8]; long __align; }
struct random_data { int32_t *fptr; int32_t *rptr; int32_t *state; int rand_type; int rand_deg; int rand_sep; int32_t *end_ptr; }
typedef __sighandler_t sig_t
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct sigaction { union { __sighandler_t sa_handler; void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *); } __sigaction_handler; __sigset_t sa_mask; int sa_flags; void (*sa_restorer)(void); }
union { __sighandler_t sa_handler; void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *); }
void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*sa_restorer)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct sigcontext { __uint64_t r8; __uint64_t r9; __uint64_t r10; __uint64_t r11; __uint64_t r12; __uint64_t r13; __uint64_t r14; __uint64_t r15; __uint64_t rdi; __uint64_t rsi; __uint64_t rbp; __uint64_t rbx; __uint64_t rdx; __uint64_t rax; __uint64_t rcx; __uint64_t rsp; __uint64_t rip; __uint64_t eflags; unsigned short cs; unsigned short gs; unsigned short fs; unsigned short __pad0; __uint64_t err; __uint64_t trapno; __uint64_t oldmask; __uint64_t cr2; union { struct _fpstate *fpstate; __uint64_t __fpstate_word; }; __uint64_t __reserved1[8]; }
struct sigevent { __sigval_t sigev_value; int sigev_signo; int sigev_notify; union { int _pad[12]; __pid_t _tid; struct { void (*_function)(__sigval_t); pthread_attr_t *_attribute; } _sigev_thread; } _sigev_un; }
typedef struct sigevent { __sigval_t sigev_value; int sigev_signo; int sigev_notify; union { int _pad[12]; __pid_t _tid; struct { void (*_function)(__sigval_t); pthread_attr_t *_attribute; } _sigev_thread; } _sigev_un; } sigevent_t
union { int _pad[12]; __pid_t _tid; struct { void (*_function)(__sigval_t); pthread_attr_t *_attribute; } _sigev_thread; }
struct { void (*_function)(__sigval_t); pthread_attr_t *_attribute; }
void (*_function)(__sigval_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct { int si_signo; int si_errno; int si_code; int __pad0; union { int _pad[28]; struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; } _kill; struct { int si_tid; int si_overrun; __sigval_t si_sigval; } _timer; struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; __sigval_t si_sigval; } _rt; struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; int si_status; __clock_t si_utime; __clock_t si_stime; } _sigchld; struct { void *si_addr; short si_addr_lsb; union { struct { void *_lower; void *_upper; } _addr_bnd; __uint32_t _pkey; } _bounds; } _sigfault; struct { long si_band; int si_fd; } _sigpoll; struct { void *_call_addr; int _syscall; unsigned int _arch; } _sigsys; } _sifields; }
union { int _pad[28]; struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; } _kill; struct { int si_tid; int si_overrun; __sigval_t si_sigval; } _timer; struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; __sigval_t si_sigval; } _rt; struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; int si_status; __clock_t si_utime; __clock_t si_stime; } _sigchld; struct { void *si_addr; short si_addr_lsb; union { struct { void *_lower; void *_upper; } _addr_bnd; __uint32_t _pkey; } _bounds; } _sigfault; struct { long si_band; int si_fd; } _sigpoll; struct { void *_call_addr; int _syscall; unsigned int _arch; } _sigsys; }
struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; }
struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; __sigval_t si_sigval; }
struct { __pid_t si_pid; __uid_t si_uid; int si_status; __clock_t si_utime; __clock_t si_stime; }
struct { void *si_addr; short si_addr_lsb; union { struct { void *_lower; void *_upper; } _addr_bnd; __uint32_t _pkey; } _bounds; }
union { struct { void *_lower; void *_upper; } _addr_bnd; __uint32_t _pkey; }
struct { void *_lower; void *_upper; }
struct { long si_band; int si_fd; }
struct { void *_call_addr; int _syscall; unsigned int _arch; }
struct { int si_tid; int si_overrun; __sigval_t si_sigval; }
typedef __sigset_t sigset_t
struct sigstack { void *ss_sp; int ss_onstack; }
union sigval { int sival_int; void *sival_ptr; }
typedef __sigval_t sigval_t
struct { void *ss_sp; int ss_flags; size_t ss_size; }
struct stat { __dev_t st_dev; __ino_t st_ino; __nlink_t st_nlink; __mode_t st_mode; __uid_t st_uid; __gid_t st_gid; int __pad0; __dev_t st_rdev; __off_t st_size; __blksize_t st_blksize; __blkcnt_t st_blocks; struct timespec st_atim; struct timespec st_mtim; struct timespec st_ctim; __syscall_slong_t __glibc_reserved[3]; }
struct timespec { __time_t tv_sec; __syscall_slong_t tv_nsec; }
struct timeval { __time_t tv_sec; __suseconds_t tv_usec; }
struct ucontext_t { unsigned long uc_flags; struct ucontext_t *uc_link; stack_t uc_stack; mcontext_t uc_mcontext; sigset_t uc_sigmask; struct _libc_fpstate __fpregs_mem; unsigned long long __ssp[4]; }
union wl_argument { int32_t i; uint32_t u; wl_fixed_t f; const char *s; struct wl_object *o; uint32_t n; struct wl_array *a; int32_t h; }
struct wl_array { size_t size; size_t alloc; void *data; }
struct wl_buffer_interface { void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_buffer_listener { void (*release)(void *, struct wl_buffer *); }
void (*release)(void *, struct wl_buffer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_callback_listener { void (*done)(void *, struct wl_callback *, uint32_t); }
void (*done)(void *, struct wl_callback *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef enum wl_iterator_result { WL_ITERATOR_STOP, WL_ITERATOR_CONTINUE } (*wl_client_for_each_resource_iterator_func_t)(struct wl_resource { struct wl_object object; wl_resource_destroy_func_t destroy; struct wl_list link; struct wl_signal destroy_signal; struct wl_client *client; void *data; } *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_compositor_interface { void (*create_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*create_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); }
void (*create_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*create_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_data_device_interface { void (*start_drag)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*set_selection)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_selection)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*start_drag)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_data_device_listener { void (*data_offer)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *); void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t, struct wl_data_offer *); void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_data_device *); void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t); void (*drop)(void *, struct wl_data_device *); void (*selection)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *); }
void (*data_offer)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*drop)(void *, struct wl_data_device *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*enter)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t, struct wl_data_offer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*leave)(void *, struct wl_data_device *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*motion)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*selection)(void *, struct wl_data_device *, struct wl_data_offer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_data_device_manager_interface { void (*create_data_source)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*get_data_device)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*create_data_source)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*get_data_device)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_data_offer_interface { void (*accept)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *); void (*receive)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *, int32_t); void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*finish)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t); }
void (*accept)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*finish)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*receive)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_data_offer_listener { void (*offer)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, const char *); void (*source_actions)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t); void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t); }
void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*offer)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*source_actions)(void *, struct wl_data_offer *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_data_source_interface { void (*offer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *); void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); }
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*offer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_actions)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_data_source_listener { void (*target)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *); void (*send)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *, int32_t); void (*cancelled)(void *, struct wl_data_source *); void (*dnd_drop_performed)(void *, struct wl_data_source *); void (*dnd_finished)(void *, struct wl_data_source *); void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, uint32_t); }
void (*action)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*cancelled)(void *, struct wl_data_source *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*dnd_drop_performed)(void *, struct wl_data_source *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*dnd_finished)(void *, struct wl_data_source *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*send)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*target)(void *, struct wl_data_source *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef int (*wl_dispatcher_func_t)(const void *, void *, uint32_t, const struct wl_message { const char *name; const char *signature; const struct wl_interface **types; } *, union wl_argument { int32_t i; uint32_t u; wl_fixed_t f; const char *s; struct wl_object *o; uint32_t n; struct wl_array *a; int32_t h; } *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef _Bool (*wl_display_global_filter_func_t)(const struct wl_client *, const struct wl_global *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_display_interface { void (*sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*get_registry)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); }
void (*get_registry)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_display_listener { void (*error)(void *, struct wl_display *, void *, uint32_t, const char *); void (*delete_id)(void *, struct wl_display *, uint32_t); }
void (*delete_id)(void *, struct wl_display *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*error)(void *, struct wl_display *, void *, uint32_t, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef int (*wl_event_loop_fd_func_t)(int, uint32_t, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef void (*wl_event_loop_idle_func_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef int (*wl_event_loop_signal_func_t)(int, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef int (*wl_event_loop_timer_func_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef void (*wl_global_bind_func_t)(struct wl_client *, void *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_interface { const char *name; int version; int method_count; const struct wl_message *methods; int event_count; const struct wl_message *events; }
struct wl_keyboard_interface { void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_keyboard_listener { void (*keymap)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, int32_t, uint32_t); void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_array *); void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *); void (*key)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); void (*modifiers)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); void (*repeat_info)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, int32_t, int32_t); }
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_array *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*key)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*keymap)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*leave)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*modifiers)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*repeat_info)(void *, struct wl_keyboard *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_list { struct wl_list *prev; struct wl_list *next; }
struct wl_listener { struct wl_list link; wl_notify_func_t notify; }
typedef void (*wl_log_func_t)(const char *, struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; void *overflow_arg_area; void *reg_save_area; } *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_message { const char *name; const char *signature; const struct wl_interface **types; }
typedef void (*wl_notify_func_t)(struct wl_listener { struct wl_list link; wl_notify_func_t notify; } *, void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_object { const struct wl_interface *interface; const void *implementation; uint32_t id; }
struct wl_output_interface { void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_output_listener { void (*geometry)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const char *, const char *, int32_t); void (*mode)(void *, struct wl_output *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t); void (*done)(void *, struct wl_output *); void (*scale)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t); void (*name)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *); void (*description)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *); }
void (*description)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*done)(void *, struct wl_output *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*geometry)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const char *, const char *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*mode)(void *, struct wl_output *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*name)(void *, struct wl_output *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*scale)(void *, struct wl_output *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_pointer_interface { void (*set_cursor)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t); void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_cursor)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_pointer_listener { void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t); void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *); void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t); void (*button)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); void (*axis)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t); void (*frame)(void *, struct wl_pointer *); void (*axis_source)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t); void (*axis_stop)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t); void (*axis_discrete)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t); void (*axis_value120)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t); void (*axis_relative_direction)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t); }
void (*axis)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t)
void (*axis_discrete)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*axis_relative_direction)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*axis_source)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*axis_stop)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*axis_value120)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfaceThe function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*button)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*enter)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*frame)(void *, struct wl_pointer *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*leave)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*motion)(void *, struct wl_pointer *, uint32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef void (*wl_protocol_logger_func_t)(void *, enum wl_protocol_logger_type { WL_PROTOCOL_LOGGER_REQUEST, WL_PROTOCOL_LOGGER_EVENT }, const struct wl_protocol_logger_message { struct wl_resource *resource; int message_opcode; const struct wl_message *message; int arguments_count; const union wl_argument *arguments; } *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_protocol_logger_message { struct wl_resource *resource; int message_opcode; const struct wl_message *message; int arguments_count; const union wl_argument *arguments; }
void (**implementation)(void)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_region_interface { void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*add)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t); void (*subtract)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t); }
void (*add)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*subtract)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_registry_interface { void (*bind)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t, uint32_t); }
void (*bind)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_registry_listener { void (*global)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t); void (*global_remove)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t); }
void (*global)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t, const char *, uint32_t)
void (*global_remove)(void *, struct wl_registry *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfaceThe function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_resource { struct wl_object object; wl_resource_destroy_func_t destroy; struct wl_list link; struct wl_signal destroy_signal; struct wl_client *client; void *data; }
typedef void (*wl_resource_destroy_func_t)(struct wl_resource { struct wl_object object; wl_resource_destroy_func_t destroy; struct wl_list link; struct wl_signal destroy_signal; struct wl_client *client; void *data; } *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_seat_interface { void (*get_pointer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*get_keyboard)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*get_touch)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*get_keyboard)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*get_pointer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*get_touch)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_seat_listener { void (*capabilities)(void *, struct wl_seat *, uint32_t); void (*name)(void *, struct wl_seat *, const char *); }
void (*capabilities)(void *, struct wl_seat *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*name)(void *, struct wl_seat *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_shell_interface { void (*get_shell_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*get_shell_surface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_shell_surface_interface { void (*pong)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*move)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t); void (*set_toplevel)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_transient)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t); void (*set_fullscreen)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_popup)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t); void (*set_maximized)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_title)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *); void (*set_class)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *); }
void (*move)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*pong)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_class)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_fullscreen)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_maximized)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_popup)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_title)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, const char *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_toplevel)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_transient)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_shell_surface_listener { void (*ping)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t); void (*configure)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t); void (*popup_done)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *); }
void (*configure)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*ping)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*popup_done)(void *, struct wl_shell_surface *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_shm_interface { void (*create_pool)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t); void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*create_pool)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_shm_listener { void (*format)(void *, struct wl_shm *, uint32_t); }
void (*format)(void *, struct wl_shm *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_shm_pool_interface { void (*create_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t); void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t); }
void (*create_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*resize)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_signal { struct wl_list listener_list; }
struct wl_subcompositor_interface { void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*get_subsurface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*get_subsurface)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_subsurface_interface { void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_position)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t); void (*place_above)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *); void (*place_below)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_desync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*place_above)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*place_below)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_desync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_position)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_sync)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_surface_interface { void (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*attach)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t); void (*damage)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t); void (*frame)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t); void (*set_opaque_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_input_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *); void (*commit)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); void (*set_buffer_transform)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t); void (*set_buffer_scale)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t); void (*damage_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t); void (*offset)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t); }
void (*attach)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*commit)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*damage)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
void (*damage_buffer)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfaceThe function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*destroy)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*frame)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*offset)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_buffer_scale)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_buffer_transform)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_input_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*set_opaque_region)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_surface_listener { void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *); void (*leave)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *); void (*preferred_buffer_scale)(void *, struct wl_surface *, int32_t); void (*preferred_buffer_transform)(void *, struct wl_surface *, uint32_t); }
void (*enter)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*leave)(void *, struct wl_surface *, struct wl_output *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*preferred_buffer_scale)(void *, struct wl_surface *, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*preferred_buffer_transform)(void *, struct wl_surface *, uint32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_touch_interface { void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *); }
void (*release)(struct wl_client *, struct wl_resource *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacestruct wl_touch_listener { void (*down)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t); void (*up)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t); void (*motion)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t); void (*frame)(void *, struct wl_touch *); void (*cancel)(void *, struct wl_touch *); void (*shape)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t); void (*orientation)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t); }
void (*cancel)(void *, struct wl_touch *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*down)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, struct wl_surface *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*frame)(void *, struct wl_touch *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*motion)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*orientation)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*shape)(void *, struct wl_touch *, int32_t, wl_fixed_t, wl_fixed_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacevoid (*up)(void *, struct wl_touch *, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interfacetypedef void (*wl_user_data_destroy_func_t)(void *)
The function pointer signature, expressed as a functional interface